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10 Wedding Guest Do’s & Don’ts


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With the wedding season in full swing, here at BadRhino we thought we thought we’d provide you with a cheat sheet of the top 10 do’s and don’ts of being a wedding guest. Check them out:

1) Don’t Wear a White Suit

wedding white

Whatever you do – DO NOT WEAR A WHITE SUIT. And make sure your partner isn’t wearing white too! On the bride’s big day she should be the only person wearing white, and trust us – she will NOT be happy if she’s not.

2) Do Ensure You Are Dressed for the Occasion

BadRhino White Smart Shirt For Wedding

For your sake and for the bride and grooms, make sure you’re dressed for the occasion. It’s their big day and they want people to be dressed well, not to look like they’ve just thrown on their everyday clothes. Make sure you’re dressed for the occasion and get yourself a smart shirt and a pair of smart trousers and shoes to go with it.

3) Don’t Bring Your Own Plus One – Unless Invited To

Every couple has a certain number of people they can fit into the venue. If your name is the only name on the invite then it’s like that for a reason – don’t try to bring a plus one.

And if you are permitted to bring a plus one, make sure you don’t bring a controversial choice like the grooms ex-girlfriend or an enemy of the bride – that could be awkward.

4) Do Drink Responsibly


Everyone likes a few drinks at a wedding, but make sure you’re not the one to be stumbling across the dance-floor at the end of the night. Nobody wants to be remembered for being the guy who made a fool out of himself.

5) Don’t Interrupt One of the Speeches

A speech isn’t supposed to be a dialogue, so don’t be like Kanye West and interrupt any of them. That’s not cool – it’s arrogant, and nobody wants to hear you, they want to listen to the speech.

6) Don’t Attempt to Change the Seating Plan

seating plan

Hours of planning and thought goes into deciding the seating plan for the day – so make sure you don’t mess it all up and decide to switch it so you can be nearer to your friends.

7) Don’t Complain About Any Aspect of the Day

However bad you think it may have been, do not complain to the newlyweds about any aspect of the day. Even better, just don’t complain to anyone at all. It’s a special day for the bride and groom and they don’t want to hear about how unimpressed you are with the arrangements.

8) Do Make Sure You RSVP on Time


It’s ever so easy to fill in this little form and send it back on time. SO MAKE SURE YOU DO IT! The bride and groom will already be stressing enough about the arrangements, so don’t make them rush around to accommodate you at the last minute.

9) Don’t Propose or Make Any Other Big Announcements

On their wedding day all the focus should be on the bride and groom, so don’t try to steal the show at any point with a proposal or any other big announcements. They will be FURIOUS if you do.

10) Don’t Take Flash Photography During The Ceremony


The day will be properly documented by a professional photographer so there’s no need for you to take photos, and nobody wants to be distracted by constant flashes.