Whether you are trying to exceed a sales target, start your own business, lose weight or become the next Terry Hollands, we all have our own personal & professional targets and ideas of how to get there. Competing to become one of the world’s strongest men is no exception. No matter what you are striving for, here are Terry Hollands’ top tips for reaching your goals.

‘The most important thing for me when I’m trying to achieve a goal whether that being sporting, in life or anything else, I need to be prepared first up. So, it’s doing all the preparation in the first place, putting all the blocks in place to start moving forward. That for me is crucial. I think so many people just dive into it and then they try to get organized. If you organize before you do it then that helps a lot. You will know exactly what you are doing.
With training for example, it would be writing a training program that would be your first point of call or getting a training program to follow. That’s the sort of preparation required, then obviously the diet side of it and getting all your food in place by going out and working out what you need to eat. Buying all your food in advance and then starting with that.
It’s all about this first bit of preparation before you even start that’s the first thing I think is important.’

‘Next is the discipline of sticking to that plan. So many people slack off. Where most people make mistakes is, they go off plan whether that be their diet or their training. I think this is the same in every aspect of life.’
‘You can make a little slip up, in any aspect of trying to achieve a goal, if you just jump straight back into where you should have been you can get back on track straight away but if you delay that for a few days then all of a sudden it throws everything out of sync’.
‘Each week my training program is a step forward, if I miss a day, it’s not the end of the world. I can catch that back up but if I miss five days then that’s thrown that next week completely out of sync and that starts changing everything. Having discipline to stick to the plan is crucial’
‘Being determined and totally focused on your goal whatever that is. I think that is the same in every aspect of life. As long as you stay with a tunnel vision on that goal, you can get to where you want to be. It’s just about being prepared to do the necessary.’
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